That's fascinating.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Dan Berry

Found this really interesting. (I also got started with Director MX in uni!)

Well done on doing the deep dive with it all. I hate the AI stuff honestly because it's being 'touted wrong' as a one size fits/does it all when it feels like its purpose will/should be doing some labour intensive but essentially simple tasks reliably. The up-rezzing of old game backgrounds seemed like a great use of this sort of stuff until the videos of "What if we could replace entire art communities" started cropping up.

I remember trying to code a Gameboy Advance game for a Uni project using what was a simple editor, but that drove me near insane every time it kept crashing so I've forever dipped on touching more. I could see ChatGPT perhaps being more useful as like a Clippy overlay (that scamp), pointing out where you might be going wrong causing errors rather than it doing all of it and having to go in and fix a mountain of piled up disasters. Who knows, maybe it will just punt out AAA videogames in a decade, but yeah, don't like that.

I'm way more interested in VR stuff that opens up different mediums for the human people to tinker with than what feels like the last three years of non-stop "what if art was made by awful tin-openers" news.

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Really interesting, this. I'm not a technophobe by any means (and miss my days creating 3D assets in Max) and think the role AI has to play in creative solutions to be very intriguing. Although I despise Image-AI, this is mostly down to how they were built versus how they're used, I think you've pointed out how their function will be implemented for creatives as they become more sophisticated. Get the boring, tedious stuff out of the way so the human can jump straight into the creative side of things, make it, then tell everyone.

Great read, Dan!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Dan Berry

This is very interesting. I've gone from fascination to revulsion to fear to anger when thinking about AI but the reality is we're going to have to learn to live with it regardless of our feelings. Similar to your coldness towards Midjourney et al, I feel there's soul missing from AI creative things, but for functional work I'm in the privileged position of being kind of warm to it. As with car golf, if I were to use ChatGPT, it would be to prototype a skeleton of something I can then work with. Maybe that's the intended usage.

Weirdly, the temptation for me comes from my ADHD brain and its million ideas/distractions a minute. If something can near-instantly produce a version of what I want to see there and then, I can focus on the Big Thing I'm actually trying to finish myself. Like Googling an actor to see where you recognise them from so you can go back to enjoying the film.

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Yes, this is exactly what I think this might be useful for - getting the bare bones of something stood up quickly so I can spend more time and creative effort putting skin and clothes on the skeleton. The idea of it farting out an entirely complete and functional thing really doesn't do anything for me.

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Agree with everything here. Leaves me cold (and often angry or even filled with despair) but could be some useful tools built down the road that knock out tedious tasks. Glad Covid didn't knock YOU out!!!

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Thanks Kyle! It knocked me about for a while, I was exhausted to the point of falling asleep by 6pm most days for a month afterwards, back to normal now though thankfully. Did it knock you about badly?

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I have never had it. I'm still wearing masks when I go indoors and on planes, etc. I've been in rooms with thousands of people multiple times for conferences, in the busiest airports, flying internationally, and all the rest. I think the masks work. How else to explain? I'd love to think I'm magically immune but prefer not to test that idea.

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Better safe than sorry.

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